Who is this Dr. Spencer Pool?
Who is this Dr. Spencer Pool?

Watch this amazing story where he uses the power of his imagination to save his son's life.

He is having an Epic 3 Day Training Event in his private Uplevel Lifestyle Facebook group on June 28th, 29th and July 1st 2021 on how to create massive Mindset, Health and Wealth Success. 

I think you'll agree with me that this story is not only amazing, but very inspiring. 

When I first watched this video, I had read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" several times along with a number of other books in the personal development space.

I was at a point in my life where I knew I needed help on a deeper level if I wanted to make a quantum leap in my results.

So I said to myself, "If I'm going to be mentored by someone, it's going to be this guy", and I needed to do it NOW, because if I didn't, I knew for a fact that I would be in the same exact spot this time next year.

I wanted to build confidence and get rid of all my fears so I could go after what I really want.

I was sick and tired of being stuck in a never ending rat race.

I was sick and tired of failing at different businesses,

I was sick of tired of constantly being pulled by shiny objects, hopping from program to program and never completing them.

I was haunted by the fear of getting old and not ever reaching my goals and my dreams in life.

I was sick and tired of seeing all these people generating success online, but I couldn't put a clear organized plan together  and follow it consistently and get some of that success for myself.

I was sick and tired of going in circles, being indecisive and I was in desperate need of clarity on what I really wanted.

The time to act was NOW or NEVER !!!

So I looked him up, joined his Facebook group to get to know him a little better and got super active so I could get noticed.

I hopped on a call with him shortly after.

We immediately clicked with each other's personalities, and I told him my story and that I wanted to be mentored by him.

He saw something in me and was happy to take me onboard, and then told me something I'll remember for the REST OF MY LIFE

"Dude, you can't achieve youR goals and dreams 
while being your current self"
"Dude, you can't achieve youR goals and dreams 
while being your current self"

You and me are capable of becoming OUR BEST VERSIONS to absolutely crush our goals and dreams while helping lots of people and generating significant income in the process. 

As long as we have a personal growth BLUEPRINT  the right VEHICLE and the right MENTOR.

This is where OUR REAL JOURNEY TO SUCCESS begins!!!

Watch how YOU CAN DO IT  too.

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